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Search Results for "Jewish rabbis blow shofar to mark Rosh Hashana in New York, United States. HD Stock Footage"
Jewish rabbis blow shofar to mark Rosh Hashana in New York, United States. HD Stock Footage
Jews in New York City observe Rosh Hashanah and the beginning of the year 5694 HD Stock Footage
Celebration of Jewish New Year in New York. HD Stock Footage
Blowing the Shofar in New York for Year 5773 of the Jewish Calendar: Day of Sounding a Ram's Horn
Blowing the Shofar for Rosh Hashanah
1933 Jews Celebrate Rosh Hashanah in New York City (Silent)
Lubavitch Shofar Rosh Hashana
Rabbi blows double shofar
NYC #HeedTheCall Shofar Action
The Sound of the Shofar 5775
Shofar on Rosh Hashana - 2017.09.21
The Shofar: Passing on a tradtion